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Keyword: ‘ageesteemer’

A Time To Say, “I’m Sorry”

July 6th, 2014 Comments off


A Time To Say, “I’m Sorry”

There are occasions in all stages of life when it is best to simply say, “I’m sorry”, and move on.  This is very different from the approach of the person who is always apologizing, even when she is not responsible for what happened.  Those people wear us down with their apologies that become meaningless.

For others it is almost impossible to squeak out the words.  They are not able or willing to express that they are perhaps at least partially responsible for a situation.  How many broken relationships would still be whole if only the friends or partners had been able to express those words, “I’m sorry”?  How many estranged family members would be speaking to each other if they were able to voice those words?

And how often do we have unhappy thoughts and feel badly knowing that things might be different had we owned up to our own role in breaking a relationship because we couldn’t say, “I’m sorry.  Forgive me.”?

Knowing when to say, “I’m sorry” is important to AgeEsteemers in all stages of life.

  • Saying “I’m sorry” allows you to move on to other things.  You are not preoccupied with an unhappy incident that you caused that keeps you from fully living your life today.
  • You open the door to deeper discussion.
  • It is a key to healing a relationship.
  • Your healthy relationships will lead to greater contact with other generations.
  • By saying “I’m sorry” when it is meaningful, you set an example for others.

Let your age esteem shine as an example to others. When it is meaningful, say “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

Bonnie Fatio

Age Esteemers

September 27th, 2010 Comments off

AgeEsteemerAge Esteem begins when we are children.  Research at Yale University and the American Institute on Aging indicate that the attitude that we have towards age and older people as children influences how we ourselves age.  Children who are raised with a positive attitude and relationship towards older people age better and more healthfully and tend to live longer.

The relationships we have with older people, the language we hear others use to describe older people, and the images that we see illustrating older people will impact our whole life and even contribute to our longevity.

Age esteemers have a positive attitude toward aging.  They embrace it with age esteem.  Age esteemers value, admire and respect age and tend to live longer, happier lives.

Bonnie Fatio

Pick A Peck of Peppers

September 22nd, 2010 Comments off

peppersThe childhood tongue twister, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers” has a philosophy to it.  If you picked a peck of peppers and ate them, you would be very healthy indeed!  For peppers have a powerhouse of nutrients for the AgeEsteemer’s body.  There are green, red, yellow, and orange bell peppers and smaller chili peppers.  The lovely little vegetables are tempting to the eye in their shiny coats.  They may be eaten raw or cooked, stuffed and baked, boiled, broiled, fried and mixed with other vegetables such as eggplant, zuchinni, and tomatoes as well as adding a hot spice to  food.

Bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C, fighting off cancer, eye diseases and even conditions such as Alzheimer’s.  Chili peppers, which are very hot, are good for unblocking clogged up lungs and bronchial tubes.  The compound that makes them hot acts as natural aspirin. In addition, when added to food they speed up the metabolism, thus enabling the burning of calories. One interesting study shows that they do not destroy the lining of the stomach nor do they cause ulcers.   Venture out now and pick a peck of peppers!

Grandma Nature

Flying Lighter

March 19th, 2010 Comments off


Flying Lighter

Since AgeEsteemers are among the millions of travelers who fly, I can’t resist sharing this information concerning efforts being made to diminish costs, economize on fuel and eliminate as much CO2 as possible.

Each pound that can be avoided saves money and energy.  Companies like Swiss Airlines has introduced what they call ecological piloting, reduced the number of spoons on board, and is looking to install lighter seats.  All Nippon Airways has a different approach.  They ask passengers to go to the restroom before embarking in order to lighten the load for takeoff!

World Thinking Day

February 22nd, 2010 Comments off

Happy holiday

With so many AgeEsteemers in multiple countries around the world, it seems appropriate to feature international holidays.  Holiday does not necessarily mean time off from work and businesses closed.  It simply means a day that has been deemed as a special day internationally.

With gratitude to the Earth Calendar which has compiled information on special days around the world.

For information concerning World Thinking Day visit

Add Pizzazz To Your “Thank you.”

December 1st, 2009 Comments off

Thank you

Do you say “Thank you”?  Of course you do.  You say it multiple times a day.  But do you say it mechanically without any real thought or feeling or do you say it with enthusiasm and a special lilt or timbre to your voice?

Thank you isn’t enough.  Part of being thankful – and we AgeEsteemers know it is important to our well-being – is to acknowledge what we are thankful for.    So why not try the following.

  • The next time you say “Thank you” add what you are thanking the person for.  It might be “Thank you for making it fun to shop here, for your cheery smile, for letting me know you like my singing, for opening the door…
  • When you say “Thank you” make eye contact with the person you are thanking and smile. 
  • Put some spice and rythym into your voice.  Sing the words.  Add that spark of pizzazz!

Celebrating Older People

October 2nd, 2009 Comments off

Norman_BorlaugSalute to Dr. Norman Borlaug

During this week of celebrating older persons, I would like to honor Dr. Norman Borlaug, a man who has marked our world and inspired many though he has never sought praise.  I was privileged to serve on the Board of Legacy® with him.  Dr. Borlaug was a true AgeEsteemer.   Even in his nineties he worked for what he believed to be most important – feeding the world as a means to promote peace.

Dr. Borlaug, a scientist and recipient of the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize,  developed a type of wheat that is credited with saving up to 1 billion people from starvation.  He was known as the father of the “green revolution“, which many experts say averted global famine during the second half of the last century.  More on Dr. Borlaug

Many older people inspire us and lead us in new directions.

Who would you like to honor during this week of celebration?

Keep It Simple

August 21st, 2009 Comments off


Babies and AgeEsteem
Keep It Simple

Keep your language simple: Baby reacts to your tone of voice and gestures.  She encourages you to use simple vocabulary and to repeat the same message clearly as she begins to understand words.  You explain why what you are saying is important, (why she shouldn’t play with the electrical socket!) even before she can understand your words.  These are all good tips for AgeEsteemers.

  • Be clear and direct when speaking with people of all ages.
  • Use vocabulary the other person can understand.
  • When you make a request, explain why it’s important.
  • Keep your non-verbal message congruent with your words.  Even Baby will detect something wrong if the non-verbal and verbal is not the same.


August 2nd, 2009 Comments off


A dream, a purpose, new relationships and synergies, constant learning, support and encouragement, a can do – will do attitude and resilience are but a few of the qualities that Alinghi shares with AgeEsteemers.

What is Alinghi?

Alinghi is the Swiss sailboat and team that won the America’s Cup in 2003 and again in 2006. – Not bad for a land-locked country!

Alinghi is now preparing for the next America’s Cup, this time with a huge catamaran supporting a mast of 164 feet.  What a treat we’ve had to watch Alinghi sail on Lake Geneva, Switzerland, this week.  It’s a thrill for all generations.

Touch The Lives Of Others

June 9th, 2009 Comments off

Holding Hands

Reach out. AgeEsteemers know the importance of meaningful contact with people of all generations.

  • Build relationships with men and women of all ages. Join a chorus or book discussion group, speak regularly with different people at your health club, meet your neighbors…
  • Commit yourself to one small action to help others: serve once a month at the soup kitchen, mentor an underprivileged youth. Use your special talents and interests.

None of these is difficult. Nor do they have to cost money. All they take is time, thought, and the commitment to begin building your own AgeEsteem for the soul one step at a time. Enjoy!