Physical Health for AgeEsteem: Eat healthy foods
During this Covid-19 time capsule it is essential to keep your body nourished with a variety of healthy foods. Include fruits, vegetables, protein, and starches and arrange them attractively on your plate. You may want to eat less because you may be less active, however you want to enjoy what you eat so make it attractive and make it tasty.
This is an excellent time to experiment with what you find in the cupboard since shopping is restricted. Even in food shops where we normally find everything we need and more, there are some empty shelves. Why not try this? Put the names of a few foods you have on hand and see what you find as a recipe on the internet. I just put in tuna, baked beans and corn never thinking the three go together. This recipe uses all three. – And it must be healthy because it is published by the World Cancer Research Fund.
Your age-esteem will motivate you to do all of the above, because you know that good physical health is important to age well.
Bonnie Fatio