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Accentuate the Positive

June 8th, 2009


Life is too short to loose time complaining. It gets us nowhere. And usually our complaints act as scapegoats for another problem: lack of a personal image of confidence and age-esteem. It’s not too late to change this image.

Reinforce your confidence and age-esteem!

Focus on your qualities. Often it’s easier to see qualities in others than in ourselves. Recognize yours! You have many.

  • List your talents, skills and qualities. Don’t be bashful. Pretend you’re writing a recommendation for this person who is you. Keep the list where it’s visible. Read it often and add to it.
  • Keep a journal of praise. Write down the praise you receive. No matter how minor it may seem, when someone praises you write their words in your journal. Copy praise received electronically or via the post into your journal. Refer to it as a confidence booster.
  • Flash yourself a smile when you pass a mirror and remind yourself of one of these qualities as though saying it to your best friend: “You organize great events!”…

Soon this will become second nature to you as you accentuate the positive and build your own AgeEsteem for the soul.

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